Val di Kam Experience
In 2002 Val di Kam was a young start-up company taking its first steps in the tourism sector and operating in one of the most unknown and authentic places in Sicily: the Sicani (Sican Mountains).Much has changed since then: the type of offer, the variety of services and even the awareness ofliving in a unique territory with great potential. Today, the experts of the sector believe that Val diKam stands out as a virtuous example that could be adapted and made again not only in otherSicilian villages but everywhere.Over the years, the definition of services has changed as well: now they are called “experiences”and listed as “Sican encounters”, because most of the time the days spent with us culminate in meeting up with local people. We offer a tourism model based on relationships and host-guest encounters that eventually lead up to shared experiences such as cooking, taking part in activities or talking about life.And here the “Experiential Tourist Guide” comes into play, a local insider whom people refer to as”u canuscituri” (i.e. someone who knows). But, what is actually an Experiential Tourist Guide? It isa person who has always lived in a specific place, someone who has a thorough knowledge ofnative people and the places they live in, and who can therefore disclose the sense of localhospitality to the travellers. An Experiential Tourist Guide leads the guests and gives them theopportunity to share experiences with the locals. An “Encounter Designer” who respects as much as possible the life, the dynamics and rhythms of the hosting community. A kind of “story-teller on theroad”.