Sicani Wine Tour
In the past, the hilly internal area (including Santa Elisabetta, Sant’Angelo Muxaro, San Biagio Platani, Casteltermini, Cammarata) – not far from the coast of Agrigento – was divided into several family properties for the exclusive use of the owners. The families cultivated vines there and, though making only small quantities and using outdated techniques, the production was sufficient to provide families with enough wine for the whole year.
In the last 20 years, new vineyards are grown on these ancient hills. They symbolize a new beginning and represent a tribute to these places where human beings have worked in symbiosis with earth and nature for ages. The “experiential viticulture”, intended as agricultural philosophy and as a way of life, produces wines that are always different from each other and brings to the table new flavours, experiences, emotions and wine stories that belong to every vintner. These vineyards have a terroir to express and a story to tell. This is exactly the focus of the Sican Wine Tour: telling stories about wine and families.